Hazari Gali, a predominantly Hindu-dominated commercial area in Chittagong, has been the site of recent tensions following an incident on social media. The controversy began when a Muslim businessman reportedly posted a derogatory comment on Facebook about the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), referring to it as a “terrorist organization.” This sparked protests from local Hindus, with some local Muslims showing support for the businessman.
Reports suggest that tensions escalated, and law enforcement, including the police and army, were deployed to the area. According to some residents, the situation deteriorated further when security forces allegedly dismantled CCTV cameras and conducted raids on homes and businesses in Hazari Gali, leading to accusations of indiscriminate violence against the local Hindu population.
Eyewitnesses claim that individuals, including women, children, and the elderly, were subjected to physical abuse. Victims have alleged that many were arrested—around 100 individuals—and taken first to an army cantonment, where they were reportedly subjected to inhumane treatment, including severe beatings. The detained individuals were later moved to a medical center, where they were allegedly declared “fit” without adequate medical evaluation, and subsequently charged with offenses such as assault and acid throwing.
Critics have questioned the actions of the security forces, arguing that any response to obstruction of law enforcement should have been proportionate and focused on the accused individuals. Instead, there are allegations that collective punishment was meted out, with businesses and homes being raided indiscriminately.
Concerns have also been raised about the treatment of detainees. Reports indicate that they were denied access to legal counsel and their families, which violates constitutional rights. Observers have noted that even in cases involving accused militants, detainees are typically allowed access to lawyers and fair legal procedures.
The victims have called for an impartial investigation into the events, emphasizing that any attack on law enforcement should be addressed lawfully and transparently. They have also appealed for accountability for any human rights violations committed during the incident.